Case Study: Remote Video Production Achieves Cross-regional Success


Video consumption has significantly increased over the years, with the number of digital video viewers globally predicted to reach 3.5 billion in 2023. On the other hand, it directly correlates to the decline in reading, where applications that shortens and summarises written content such as Headway and Blinkist has been on a rise.

The increased consumption of video content has made video ads the future of digital advertising.

However, unforeseen events over the past few years have made international filming near to impossible. When Lazada hired Superminted for a campaign stretching across Southeast Asia, the restrictions made it difficult for Superminted to conduct on-site production. The lack of overseas exposure and culture understanding and assimilation proved to be difficult when creating content that resonates with the target audience overseas.

Their solution? To create remote productions with the help of virtual platforms such as Zoom and Google Meets, but most importantly, with the help of native expertise. This experience gave Superminted’s Singapore team the opportunity to experience remote projects and expand their opportunities that local campaigns did not provide. Sellers shared their experiences and how they benefited from Lazada’s seller marketplace platform and support, which was the aim of the campaign, and it was a turning point for them.

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